Study Abroad

Our Services

Career Counselling is a process that will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational and life decisions. Selecting the right career is very important as career spans one’s adult life and defines an individual, the kind of lifestyle one has, the people one interacts with. In short one’s career has an impact on the quality of one’s life. Applying for higher education abroad is a critical decision, both financially and emotionally. Therefore, it is mandatory to invest adequate time and effort in order to make the right career decision.

For some students, course selection is an easy task because they’ve always had the vision to become a Mechanical Engineer or a Chemist. But for others, it’s not a headache for them. If you belong to this group of students that find it difficult selecting a course,  Honeywell Integrated Services   is here for you!

It’s understandable that some students find it difficult selecting a course because there are thousands of options available with multiple specializations. Every program has specific benefits and distinctiveness. It would be a great mistake to think that a course that great for someone would be the right course for you. You shouldn’t base your course selection on the experience of someone who studied the same course you want in abroad. When selecting a course, you need to base it on your talent, academic acumen, skilfulness and the opportunities the course presents. Taking these factors into consideration will help you achieve the desired goals in academic and professional life.

The experience and proficiency of our counsellors will make all the difference. After accessing your abilities, strengths and what interests you most, our counsellors will assist you on the course that uses your forte.

The pace at which students travel abroad to study is quite incredible because of the opportunities in those countries and educational institutions in these popular destinations in the world are also constantly upgrading their standards. For these reasons, it’s now difficult for students to decide for the right country to study.

A particular country might be a great destination for one student but might not be the right destination for another. Since many countries have hundreds of excellent Colleges and Universities, students always get stuck when choosing the right country. In some cases, a country might have a great university, but the tuition fees might not be affordable.  Also, the fact that you’ve never been to that county might get you confused. So, what next?

This is where Honeywell I services comes to your rescue because we have the experience and tools to help you. We assure you of a well-informed decision after carefully considering your requirements and profile because your future is important to us.

Our counsellors will painstakingly research about countries, universities and courses available to help make the right choice after going through your profile and goals. They are very experienced to understand and recognize your needs by narrowing down the list of countries and providing alternatives which will help you select the right country. We constantly test the skills and expertise of our counsellor to ensure they meet the requirements of this ever-changing industry.

At , we understand that choosing the right University is truly the beginning of a career. Before choosing a University, you need to take some time to examine yourself properly. Think about what you stand to gain from the country you intend going to study. You need to understand that University selection is the most important part of your study abroad decision since there are many universities to choose from.

To relieve you of the stress, Honeywell I Services will assist you when it comes to deciding on the best university that best suits you. We have a well-updated database of programs and universities which helps in the decision-making process. We always research information on these universities and colleges to determine what is best for you. With our expertise and tools available, you will never be wrong in choosing the right university or college to study any course you want.

Universities abroad always request for Statement of Purpose. It’s an essay usually about 1000 words that seeks to understand the life of a candidate, the motivations for the chosen career path and his/her goals.

There are many elements to a Statement of Purpose or an SOP. The Universities might ask question-based essays or simply to present your statement of purpose. Statement of Purpose always highlights your goals, the career path you have taken up so far as well as your academic progress. Other elements that are further important to the SOP are also the personal motivations that lead you to choose the university/course you have applied to as well as how you intend to use that experience to achieve that goal.

The SOP is an important part of every application, and it helps University of your choice assess your application. It is a pre-requisite for applying to any foreign university. If you don’t have proper guidance when writing your SOP, it might be difficult for you to write. There are reasons universities request for a Statement of Purpose or Statement of Intent when during application.

Statement of Purpose plays a decisive role in your application process. It can make or break your application. In some cases, when your SOP is excellent, the university may overlook a few minor deficits and make an affirmative decision.

At Honeywell I Services , we have a team of experts, who will evaluate the content of your statement of purpose, recommend changes, and make it very effective for your admission.

We give special attention to your application by highlighting the areas that are important for a well-presented and error-free application. We pay proper attention to every detail about your application to make sure that you have no problem.

After you decide the country and the institution you want to apply to, Honeywell I services  will provide a detailed guidance on the admission procedure, required documents for admission, the exams or test you need to take (TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, IELTS etc.), deadlines of the department and institution of your choice, etc. We will also help you complete your reference form, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, and essays for the application.

We also follow up your admission with the Universities of your choice to ensure a Positive and Rapid Response. We also provide relevant information to guide you during this process.

There are many scholarships and funding opportunities available for students who would like to study abroad. We give you timely and relevant advice on researching and applying for scholarships. If you don’t qualify for a scholarship, we will provide the necessary assistance to avail bank loans that will help make your foreign education a reality.

We guide our clients to choose the most viable educational loan according to their financial status and requirement. We also have a list of Banks that offer Loans at affordable rates. Every applicant who wants a study loan needs to fulfil the following conditions;

  • A co-applicant is a must (could be parents, a sibling or a spouse)
  • For loans between Rs 4-7.5 lakhs, a third party guarantor is required
  • Collateral needs to be provided for student loans above Rs 7.5 lakhs
  • Loan repayment commences 6 to 12 months after course completion
  • If a student goes abroad, lender recovers the remainder from co-applicant
  • Indian nationals of age between 16 to 35 years, pursuing graduate/postgraduate degree
    and PG diplomas
  • Documents required
  • Mark sheet for last qualifying examination for school and graduate studies in India
  • Proof of admission to the course
  • Schedule of expenses for the course
  • Copy of letter confirming scholarship if any
  • Copy of Foreign Exchange permit (if available)
  • Two passport size photographs
  • Statement of borrower’s bank account for last six months
  • Income Tax assessment order not older than two years
  • Brief statement of Borrowers Assets and Liabilities.
  • If not a customer of the lending bank provides proof of identity and residence

A Student visa is a cornerstone process in overseas education. Due to that, making even a small mistake in the process can put you in hot water with embassies. we take care of each visa applications at extreme care. Also, we ensure each visa documentations undergo a thorough inspection and clarification to avoid any difficulties for our students.

We assist all our clients in the entire Visa application process such as filling of Visa application forms, preparing financial statements, and also guidance and training for interviews and much more.

We are always advised by the consulates about the latest Visa documentation, rules and we have high success rate. All Honeywell Integrated Services I Services students enjoy free Visa guidance for all countries.

Our student visa experts have extensive experience in documenting and processing student visa with a very high success rate. They will keep an eye at every stage of the process and let you know the status of your visa up-to-date.

We have an exhaustive briefing session that will help students become self-sufficient, and mentally prepare them to live in a completely different environment and country. We advise you on the culture of the country and appropriate decorum and behaviour that they will need to maintain to blend in with the locals. Also included, will be a list of what to find where, things to do in and around campus, supermarkets, hospitals, medical emergency protocol, banking, means of communication etc.

This is an integral part of our services that will make matters easier for you on arrival in a new country. We will have our trusted agents at the airport, to pick you up and take you to your temporary/university accommodation. We will assist you in opening a bank account and getting a local SIM card, which will be integral to helping you keep in touch with friends and family. Third wave will also follow up with the university and your family to ensure that everything is in place and you’re settled in.

Networking is a great way to further the scope of your education, social life and career in a foreign country. As we send students in batches from different states and countries, we will set the stage for you’ll to interact with each other before hand, giving you your first networking opportunity in a new country. After you get there, it is up to you to maintain that network and create new ones.

If you need to work on the side to supplement your pocket money/tuition fee, we will advise you to choose your country accordingly. Some countries do not allow international students to work part-time, while there are many countries that do. We will update you on the work options within the university and opportunities that can be pursued in your neighbourhood. But at no cost, should your job affect your academic schedule/performance.

Study Abroad Destinations

Study in UK
Study in UK
Study in Switzerland
Study in Switzerland
Study in Poland
Study in Poland
Study Engineering in Poland
Study Engineering in Poland
Study In New Zealand
Study In New Zealand
Study in Netherlands
Study in Netherlands
Study in Italy
Study in Italy
Study MBA in Italy
Study MBA in Italy
Study in Ireland
Study in Ireland
Study in Germany
Study in Germany

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